Tee Ball


Regular Season

Developmental practice and play to help build skills in game situations.  Teeballers will hold a practice followed by a fun game.

Records during the regular season will not matter so play to make your team better.

Practice Information To Come! Season starts the week of May 5th.

Practice one day a week: Tuesday or Wednesday depending on when your team in scheduled. Then one game a week on Saturday mornings at Hunziker Youth Sports Complex.

Tee Ball Rules


  • The away team as designated on the game schedule will bat first.

  • No new inning shall be started after 60 minutes of the game start.

  • A maximum of 5 runs may be scored by a team in one inning.  If 5 runs in an inning are reached the inning will transition, and batting will resume in that spot in the batting order in the next inning.

  • Maximum of 5 runs per inning per side will be allowed. If a ball is in play/live after the 5th run is scored, play will continue until the ball is back at the pitcher’s mound or play is considered dead 


  • We will use a continuous batting order, meaning that all players bat regardless of if they are playing defensively.

  • When batting, the ball shall not be pitched but shall be placed on a tee from which the batter shall hit it.

  • The batter (aka hitter) is entitled to have as many swings as they need to hit the ball.

  • A player is declared as being out when:

    • The ball is hit and then caught without hitting the ground.

    • A player who has the ball stands on the base before the runner makes it to the base.

    • A fielder with the glove or hand that is holding the ball tags a runner between the bases.

  • Players declared out shall remain on base and continue to run the bases. Congratulate the defense on their good work.

  • An innings is complete when each player on the team that is batting has had one turn to bat.

  • Only official regulation USSSA or USA baseball stamped bats may be used


  • Standard baseball fielding positions will be utilized: Pitcher, Catcher, First, Second, Third, Shortstop, Left-field, Center-field, Right-field.

  • The infield positions should be filled first and the outfield only utilized if there are enough players on the team.

  • Players should play a variety of positions throughout the game

Running Bases

  • To encourage fielders to throw, once a throw is made, a runner may only advance to the base they were going for.

  • Base stealing is not permitted.