Player & Caregiver Code of Conduct

Ames Youth Baseball is a youth baseball organization serving families in the community of Ames. We are committed to promoting the values of sportsmanship, hard-work and respect to everyone involved in Ames Youth Baseball. It is our mission to continue to grow, support, and develop these values within all of our coaches, players and fans. We will continue to provide baseball skill development and encourage healthy competition, respect, and appreciation for the game of baseball in a community focused, family friendly environment.

As such we ask that athlete caregivers and athletes themselves likewise support these goals and conduct themselves accordingly.  By registering all parties agree to the following guidelines.  Failure to follow these guidelines may result in temporary suspension of participation or even dismissal from all league activities without refund. 

Caregivers agree to the following:

  • I will put the emotional and physical well-being of youth participants ahead of a personal desire to win.

  • I will respect players, coaches, officials, spectators, and families at all times.

  • I will respect the decisions of officials or coaches.

  • I will not engage in any violence or verbal threats or use any profanity.

  • I will not yell advice to my child during a game.

  • I will model good sportsmanship for all youth participants.

  • I will not belittle or ridicule anyone involved in a youth sporting event–in public, private, in-person, or online.

  • I will do my part to keep sports fun and positive for every youth participant.

Athletes agree to the following:

  • I will show good sportsmanship to players, coaches, officials, opponents, and parents at every game and practice.

  • I will learn the value of commitment by participating in as many practices and games as I can.

  • I will encourage my teammates and praise good efforts.

  • I will be honest, fair, and respectful to others at all times.

  • I will aim to learn all I can from sports.

  • I will arrive at practice on time and be ready to dedicate my attention to my coaches.

Thank you for supporting these goals and we look forward to a great season.